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Best Sorcerer Spells

Shield: A 1st-Level Spell in D&D 5e That Boosts AC

One of the Most Effective Defensive Spells in the Game

Provides a +5 AC Bonus

Shield is a first-level abjuration spell that grants the caster a +5 bonus to their Armor Class (AC) until the start of their next turn. This can be a significant boost to a character's defenses, making them less likely to be hit by attacks.

The spell is cast as a reaction to being attacked, making it a very versatile spell that can be used in a wide variety of situations. It can be used to protect the caster from a single powerful attack, or it can be used to bolster the defenses of an entire party.

Shield is a concentration spell, meaning that it requires the caster to maintain concentration in order to keep it active. If the caster loses concentration, the spell ends.

Shield is a very powerful spell that can be a valuable asset to any party. It is a great way to improve the defenses of a character, and it can be used to protect against a wide variety of threats.
